If you have any experience with Cougars you probably already know what are we going to talk about. However, that doesn’t mean that you should check out because we’re going to bust this myth wide open. So, not to delay the news any further, here we go: The one thing men don’t like about Cougars is the fact that they most likely have children. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense that women in their forties and fifties are going to have kids. And when you think about men, it makes perfect sense they would want the cougars all for themselves.
And while this might seem like a dealbreaker for some, we’re here to dispel that myth and offer you a more realistic picture of the whole thing. This is what we do here at Cougar Dating Expert so give us a chance. After all, as you’re reading these lines, you’ll be able to come to your own conclusions as we present the following facts to you. And in case you were wondering the second thing men don’t like about cougars are their former husbands and partners. As you can notice, a trend is emerging here. A trend that’s not pointing in the direction of cougars but someone else and that’s you but more about that later.

First off, we would like to say that not all cougars have children. And even if they do, they could be grown-up children who are now in their twenties and totally independent. This opens up another potentially awkward situation where the person you’re dating could have a son or a daughter that’s roughly your age. There are a lot of variables in that equation so it’s best we leave it alone for now. The next thing we wanted to talk about is the type of relationship you and your potential partner are looking for. So, if you’re looking for something casual, no strings attached, kids are not going to be a problem.
There might be a couple of technical issues but nothing major. Nannies and babysitters are there for a reason. And if both of you are looking for a serious relationship, you should simply accept the fact that this beautiful, smart, and feisty woman has kids who mean the world to her. You should see that as a positive thing and as an opportunity to strengthen your bond with her. Moreover, perhaps you yourself have kids and know what it’s like to enter the dating world as a dad.

Finally, if the two of you are right for each other, there’s nothing in this world that should come between you. We all know how it feels to fall in love and think that we would never be or do certain things and then end up completely wrong. And being wrong is okay, that’s why we strive to be better persons every day. That’s why we’re willing to grow and not hold preconceived notions. And that’s exactly what you should do in this case.
Approach your potential relationship with a cougar with an open heart and an open mind. Feel your way through it and communicate how you feel to your partner. Open up and be prepared for anything. We only have one life and we better make the most of it.